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Kopa to Jopa Road

What made Kopa to Jopa Road Outstanding

The Bitumen World team have the power to rise above any situation to deliver the best results, no matter the circumstances. Working in Chimanimani was not an easy journey.

There were many challenges.

It was an outstanding project to be involved in, perhaps a once in a lifetime experience.

Commissioning of Kopa Jopa by the President

The road was officially opened by his Excellency, President, Comrade Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, on the 10th of November 2021.

He was accompanied by his delegation and the CEO of Bitumen World, Mr Andre Zietsman.

After a ribbon cutting ceremony, the president, unveiled a plaque mounted on the Kopa roundabout.

In declaring the road open the president made the following remarks: -

“I am happy to be here commissioning this Jopa-Kopa Road which had taken decades for it to be tarred. After Cyclone Idai devastated this area and the issue of this road was brought to my attention, I did not hesitate to give a nod to its refurbishment.

This is a very important road to the people of Chimanimani and Chipinge especially farmers as they can easily take their produce to the market. They can now have easy access to medical facilities.

This road is just a marvel and the volume of traffic plying this road has significantly improved bringing relief to the locals who over the years were subjected to exorbitant fares by motorists," he said.

President Mnangagwa added: "I want to commend Bitumen World who were the contractors for the excellent work they exhibited here. All contractors should ensure that they adopt the build-back-better concept.”

After the keynote speech of the president a vote of thanks was given by the Minister of

Defence, the Honourable, Oppah Muchinguri. This marked the end of the great day leaving every heart with joy and warmth.


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